"Not My Dog": Tales from Puppy Raising

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Yay Murphy!!!!!!!!

I'm going to get the whole report up, but I don't have much time before work and I have to report the basics: I got Murphy's latest report card last night and it was ALL "good"s AND he is already in Phase 3!!
I had been waiting on pins and needles for it, as Maddox's came last week. I was surprised though, because Maddox's was for phase 2, and I didn't realize Murphy was in phase 3.
Anyway, I'm going to get all of it formatted, but I wanted to get Woody's (the trainer's) comments up for now.
I'm so proud and excited that I'm probably going to bore everyone I encounter today who knows Murphy, because this is very hard news to keep to myself!

Murphy has progressed nicely into this phase of training. We have just completed preliminary blindfold. He has a nice foundation and the beginnings of a solid work pattern. He is easy going and a conscientious worker. He is on the sensitive side with average distraction he is easily reached through voice. Murphy does have a bit of a scavenging problem often diving for food or paper on the ground or a treat that either he has dropped or I have inadvertantly dorpped. We will continue to work on this in the weeks and months to come.
Due to Murphy being of a more sensitive nature he has had a bit of a left tendency but with some work Murphy is becoming more confident in himself and is learning to maintain his strait line more consistently even when being pushed left. He has begun to learn to fight the handler and push back to the right. Good Boy!!

At times of uncertainty and confusion he can and does lack some inner confidence but with some verbal support he has been taking on more responsibility. He has been working on building his confidence in times when he needs to think a little more and problem solve his way out a situation. I can see him building a very nice work pattern. He works at a steady moderate pace with an average pull.

Murphy’s indoor work has been nice. Inside he has been learning to target different places such as stairs, escalators, elevators and different doors. Murphy has learned to ride both the escalator and the elevator.

Murphy has been a joy to work and I look forward to continuing his training. He will be starting traffic and platform training in the weeks to come.

Murphy’s roommate is still Gerard and the two have the best time romping around together both in the run and out during community run time.

(Lots more updates from the weekend and news of Nettie to come, but that has to wait for now.)


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